
Last Days Countdown Package

Last Days Countdown Package

Unlocking the Prophetic Mysteries of Israel, book by Jonathan Bernis

It’s not the richest or most powerful country in the world, but in God’s eyes, Israel is the most important nation on Earth. And it’s there that the Bible’s prophecies regarding the end of the age will all unfold. If you want to understand what God is doing in these Last Days, you must understand what He is doing with Israel. What do the “times of the Gentiles” and “the fullness of the Gentiles” mean? Are they connected? In Unlocking the Prophetic Mysteries of Israel, Jonathan Bernis reveals this and more:

  • 7 keys to understanding Israel’s past, present and future role in God’s plan to recover a corrupt and lost world
  • 3 reasons Israel plays such a prominent role in God’s plan for the future of this planet
  • 10 hallmarks of the coming Messianic Age of peace and prosperity
  • Your influential part in ushering in God’s Kingdom on Earth
  • The vital significance of the city of Jerusalem
  • Our debt to the Jewish people
  • The dramatic connection between Israel and the Church
  • Encouragement to fight the good fight

Supernatural or Just Remarkable? booklet by Ariel Hyde

Did you know that the majority of Israelis are secular and don’t have a full appreciation for their biblical history or recognize God’s involvement in it. It can be difficult to share with them how Yeshua (Jesus) is in the Hebrew Scriptures when they don’t feel a connection to God or see that the Tanach (Old Testament) is inspired. Supernatural or Just Remarkable? offers a fresh introduction to the God of Israel, demonstrating that He is a sovereign God, involved in human history, faithful to His promises, and cares deeply about His people. It shows that the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God and establish a vital foundation from which to then share the message of the Messiah contained within them. This booklet is a great resource for anyone interested in sharing the Gospel with Jewish people.