
The Feasts of Israel Celebration Bundle

The Feasts of Israel Celebration Bundle

This Fall/Winter holiday package has been specially prepared to help you explore and celebrate the profound meaning of the Jewish feasts and holidays. The Feasts of Israel Celebration Bundle offers a comprehensive journey through these sacred times, providing historical context for the Jewish holidays and valuable insights into your faith in Jesus. Bonus content highlights the fall holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot. This multi-media package is loaded with resources to help you celebrate the rich traditions of the Jewish feasts, including:

  • The Feasts of Israel CD/audio teaching 
  • 5-Minute Feasts DVD 
  • Biblical Feasts Tent Cards
  • The Fall Feasts and Chanukah book
  • The Shofar: The First Instrument of God’s Voice 
  • Celebrating Rosh Hashanah – The Feast of Trumpets DVD 
  • Celebrating Sukkot – The Feast of Booths DVD